• If squad is using a 12ga. and a 20ga. shotgun, the 20ga. shells need to be kept separate from the 12ga. shells because a 20ga. shell will slide partially down the barrel of a 12gs. shotgun and then a 12ga. shell can be inserted. If fired in this condition, the gun barrel will blow up resulting in a catastrophic failure of the firearm which will cause serious bodily harm or death.
• The barrel of the shotgun must be over the station’s front rail and pointed down range before inserting any shells into the gun and closing the gun.
• Trigger Safety – The trigger safety is on when engraved “S” is visible. Push it forward to turn safety off. No guns, 12 or 20 gauge, return to the safe position after the action is opened and closed. Never assume the safety will protect against a discharge.
• Keep the action open at all times. For break action, the gun is to be broken open. The action is only to be closed when: (A) you are in the station with the barrel over the front rail pointing down range (B) empty with the muzzle positioned up in a gun rack (C) empty with the muzzle in an upright position while transporting in a golf cart. If you are walking the action must be kept open. For semi-autos, pump actions or bolt actions, the ONLY time the action can be closed is when you are in the station with the barrel over the front rail pointing down range and ready to fire. Always treat a gun as if it is loaded. Never pass the gun barrel past a person even when the gun is open.
• Do not put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
• Never slam the action closed, it could cause the gun to discharge or damage the action/trigger.
• No practice mounts or swings outside of the shooting station.
• Catch empty shells or pick up at the end of shooting station.
- For break action guns, after you take your two shots; catch the empty shells when opening the gun and throw them away, if they fall to ground, pick them up after your squad is done shooting.
- Semi-automatic/pump action – wait until your squad is finished shooting and then pick up the empty shells.
• Misfire – KEEP THE GUN POINTED DOWN RANGE, wait 15-30 seconds, then open the gun facing down range. DO NOT throw the live round into the garbage can. Keep the shell separate and bring it to the Clubhouse for proper disposal when you are done shooting.
• Be aware of a “Squib” load which occurs when a fired shotgun shell does not have enough force behind it to push the shot and wad to exit the barrel, thus becoming stuck in the barrel. It can be identified by a muffled sound and/or light recoil. This type of malfunction can be extremely dangerous, as failing to notice the wad has become stuck in the barrel may result in another round being fired into the obstructed barrel. [The Code Word for Question 12 on Page 1 is AXXB] If fired in this condition, the gun barrel may blow up resulting in a catastrophic failure of the firearm’s structural integrity which will cause serious bodily harm or death.